Course Dates March/April 2025


Course /Day          Time                   Venue                              Length            Cost

           A:  Tuesday       6.15 – 7.15 pm Oakfield                            5 weeks           £45

                         Course dates: Mar 04, 11, 18, 25: Apr 01


           B:  Thursday        6.15 – 7.15 pm St Mary                           5 weeks            £45

                         Course dates: Mar 06, 13, 20, 27: Apr 03


Payment can be made;

1. By cheque made payable to FIT FOOTWEAR or with cash at the first session

          2. By credit/debit card at Fit Footwear, 9 Waterloo Street

3. By PayPal at

4. By Bank transfer: Fit Training and Footwear Limited sort code: 30-94-61 a/c 04870311


Please download and complete the form with the timetable (at the top of this page) ONLY if you have not attended before....

otherwise it is just payment that is required to secure your place.